sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

Battle for the cowl

Batman: Battle for the Cowl is a three issue comic book limited series published by DC Comics. Written and penciled by Tony Daniel, the story details the chaos in Gotham City after Batman R.I.P. and Final Crisis due to Batman's perceived absence and abandonment by the public. His disappearance is actually caused by the character's apparent death at the hands of Darkseid in Final Crisis, which causes dissension in the ranks of his allies and enemies who fight for the right to become the new Batman
Azrael Death' Dark Knight 1
Azrael Death's Dark Knight 2
Azrael Death's Dark Knight 3
Batman Battle for the Cowl Arkham Asylum
Batman Battle for the cowl The Network
Batman Battle for the cowl 1
Batman Battle for the cowl 2
Batman Battle for the cowl 3
Batman Battle for the cowl Commissioner Gordon
Batman Battle for the cowl Man-Bat
Batman Battle for the cowl The Underground
Batman Battle for the cowl Gotham Gazette "Batman Alive"
Batman Battle for the cowl Oracle The cure 1
Batman Battle for the cowl Oracle The cure 2
Batman Battle for the cowl Oracle The cure 3


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